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Disney Parks Snob

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    Walt Disney World’s Minnie Van Service

    Here is our post on using Disney World’s Minnie Van Service to get around WDW as well to and from Orlando International Airport. What’s a Minnie Van? Minnie Vans are a Disney owned...
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    Shades of Green Resort Mangino’s Steakhouse Review

    Mangino’s Steakhouse is the single table service restaurant at at Shades of Green, Walt Disney World’s Military Resort.Mangino’s Steakhouse is located on the lower lobby level of Shades of Green’s main building. The former...
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    Shades of Green – Disney Deluxe Resort Comparison

    Welcome to the third installment of the Shades of Green – Disney Resort Comparison Series. This post wraps up my series intended to help you determine the differences between Shades and the Disney Resorts....
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    Shades of Green – Disney Moderate Resort Comparison

    Welcome to the second installment of the Shades of Green – Disney Resort Comparison Series. This is the second post on the differences between Shades of Green and the Disney World resorts, this series...
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    Shades of Green – Disney Value Resort Comparison

    This is the first installment of the Shades of Green – Disney Resort Comparison Series Also please see How does Shades of Green compare to Disney in Price and the other 2 posts in the...
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    Military Members Review and Rate Shades of Green

    Military members who have never stayed at Shades of Green before often wonder what the military only resort at Walt Disney World is really like.The Shades of Green Resort is the Armed Forces Recreation...